TIJ vs CIJ – Which is the best fit for you?
Continuous Inkjet printers have reigned supreme for years when it comes to high speed industrial inkjet coding. CIJ’s print codes fast as well as utilizing ink that dries instantly making smudged codes and irrelevant concern.
Thermal Inkjet printer technology, on the other hand, has come a long way in recent years and is now rivaling CIJ’s for the inkjet printing crown.
But the question still remains… Which printer is the best fit for your company?
Marrying Automated Labeling with Teklynx Codesoft.
Automated labeling systems are a game changing upgrade in comparison to a manual labeling process; but even an automated system comes second to its better half — well-organized label storage and label design software like Teklynx’ Codesoft.
The wins are great, but the losses are better.
When you work with me, your struggles are now my struggles, and with three decades worth of navigating obstacles under my belt, I know we’ll turn these struggles into wins, too.
CCS and the Missing Pieces…
My team and I are driven to help you fill in the missing pieces to your production process. With over 60 years of experience CCS can help guide you to the right solution for you coding, marking, and labeling needs.